Googling Saddam and arrogant
"IF Saddam is the arrogant one." I wrote that several times last couple posts, as if maybe it wasn't an obvious fit. It dawned on me -- if it is in the major media's headline news, it must be widely understood and accepted. So I googled "Saddam arrogant." Here are the results:,,2933,124475,00.html, July 02, 2004 headline: "Saddam still defiant, arrogant." The article referred to him as "acting defiant and questioning the authority of the Iraqi court," and "pounding his fists while gesticulating," and shouting "I am Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq." A certified graphologist who studies body language, Alice Weiser, offered this analysis: "His demeanor to me shows... [that he's] arrogant, combative, controlling... at one point he used two fists to point... that's double defiance and rebelliousness..."
Times Online,,,7374-1833985,00.html, October 20, 2005 headline: "Blustering and arrogant, a dictator defies his judges." The article referred to Hussein as "showing contempt" for the proceedings, displaying "arrogance", standing "defiant", "berating" the judges, and "glower(ing)" with scorn.
Daily News Transcript,, providing an Associated Press article from November 6, 2006, not the headline, but the very first sentence of the article: "BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Defiant, raging and arrogant to the end, Saddam Hussein trembled and shouted... as he was sentenced to hang, then walked steadily from the courtroom with a smirk on his face."

Saddam gesturing during his trial (photo added to post 08-29-08)
"For your day has come, the time when I shall punish you. And the arrogant one will stumble and fall with no one to raise him up" (Jer. 50:31-32).
I don't know why I would have hedged.
"IF Saddam is the arrogant one." I wrote that several times last couple posts, as if maybe it wasn't an obvious fit. It dawned on me -- if it is in the major media's headline news, it must be widely understood and accepted. So I googled "Saddam arrogant." Here are the results:,,2933,124475,00.html, July 02, 2004 headline: "Saddam still defiant, arrogant." The article referred to him as "acting defiant and questioning the authority of the Iraqi court," and "pounding his fists while gesticulating," and shouting "I am Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq." A certified graphologist who studies body language, Alice Weiser, offered this analysis: "His demeanor to me shows... [that he's] arrogant, combative, controlling... at one point he used two fists to point... that's double defiance and rebelliousness..."
Times Online,,,7374-1833985,00.html, October 20, 2005 headline: "Blustering and arrogant, a dictator defies his judges." The article referred to Hussein as "showing contempt" for the proceedings, displaying "arrogance", standing "defiant", "berating" the judges, and "glower(ing)" with scorn.
Daily News Transcript,, providing an Associated Press article from November 6, 2006, not the headline, but the very first sentence of the article: "BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Defiant, raging and arrogant to the end, Saddam Hussein trembled and shouted... as he was sentenced to hang, then walked steadily from the courtroom with a smirk on his face."

Saddam gesturing during his trial (photo added to post 08-29-08)
"For your day has come, the time when I shall punish you. And the arrogant one will stumble and fall with no one to raise him up" (Jer. 50:31-32).
I don't know why I would have hedged.
Labels: Judgment 3 - Punishment
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