Monday, November 01, 2010

Iraqi Christians massacred

by BARBARA SURK and HAMID AHMED Associated Press (c) 2010
Nov. 1, 2010

BAGHDAD -- Iraq's dwindling Christian community was grieving and afraid on Monday after militants seized a Baghdad church during evening Mass, held the congregation hostage and triggered a raid by Iraqi security forces. The attack left at least 52 people killed and 67 wounded -- nearly everyone inside.

The attack, claimed by an al-Qaida-linked organization, is the latest assault against Iraq's Christians, whose numbers have plummeted since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion as the community has fled to other countries. [...]

"It was a massacre in there and now they are cleaning it up," (Raed Hadi) said Monday morning. "We Christians don't have enough protection... What shall I do now? Leave and ask for asylum?"

read more here...

Jeremiah the prophet was very emphatic as to what Christians in this land should do:

"Flee from the midst of Babylon, and each of you save his life! Do not be destroyed in her punishment, for this is the LORD's time of vengeance; he is going to render recompense to her..." (Jer 51:6).

While all but 7 individuals of the Jewish community have already fled, Christians seem to think Babylon is a safe place for them to remain. But the warning could not be more forceful -- it is long past due for all God's people to leave Iraq before the remaining judgments fall down upon them along with the rest of the inhabitants of Chaldea:

"Come forth from her midst, my people, and each of you save yourselves from the fierce anger of the LORD," (Jer 51:45).



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