Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More car bombs rock Baghdad

BBC News 24 January 2012
At least 13 people have been killed and 62 wounded in four separate car bomb attacks in Shia districts of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, police have said.
Eight died when a bomb blew up close to day labourers waiting for jobs in Sadr City. Minutes later, a blast about 3km (1.9 miles) away killed another two.
Later, car bombs exploded in Shula and Hurriya, killing three.
There has been a rise in attacks in Iraq since US troops left last month, leaving as many as 170 people dead.

The prophet Jeremiah predicted a series of sequential judgments on "the land of the Chaldeans" that leads up to her utter desolation -- invasion led by a "great nation" and involving "many kings" (Jer 50:41), capture in humiliating defeat (Jer 51:14), punishment of the "arrogant one" (50:31), and then burning of the cities (50:32) and an abandonment by the reconstruction forces (51:9) due to the failure of that reconstruction effort.

While all military forces have been withdrawn from Iraq, a significant force of American contractors remains to continue the efforts of revitalizing the infrastructure of the country. With the increase in violence, will the cities of Iraq soon literally go up in flames? Will the leader of the reconstruction efforts declare a full pullout of reconstruction personnel, leaving the land of the Chaldeans to face the future themselves?

And what is that future? According to the prophet, after the abandonment comes a war with the "Medes" (51:28) -- modern day Kurds -- who then plunder her treasures (50:10), followed by a devastating flood event (51:42) and subsequent drought (51:43) that culminates in the land of Babylon remaining a perpetual desolation without inhabitant (50:39).

With the first three judgments -- invasion, capture, execution -- already accomplished, are we on the verge of burning, abandonment, civil war, plunder, flood and drought?

The wheels of prophetic fulfillment turn slowly, but perhaps irrepressibly.

We shall see. The bombs continue to destroy.

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