Friday, November 05, 2010

Al Qaeda terrorists predict more bloody days in Iraq

Reuters Africa Fri Nov 5, 2010
BAGHDAD, Nov 5 (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's Iraqi affiliate said on Friday that recent attacks in Baghdad were "the beginning of the downpour" and many more bloody days would come.
The Islamic State of Iraq's statement posted on radical Islamic websites appeared to link the escalation in attacks to signs that incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite, might secure a second term.

In vague language, the statement said the Sunni Islamist insurgency was launching a new campaign because it was "disillusioned by the return of the Safawis' project," a term it has used to describe Shi'ite political supremacy in Iraq.

"What they have seen in that night is the beginning of the downpour, and one day out of many bloody days awaiting them."

A series of bombs around Baghdad on Tuesday night killed more than 60 people, mostly in Shi'ite areas.


The violence in Iraq appears to have no end. Jeremiah's prophecy of calamity on Babylon sees the violence take the form of the burning of the cities. If the cities burn, the first four of the nine judgments will have come true. The end is a complete desolation without inhabitant.

Christians in Iraq, do as Jeremiah implored you to do: "Flee from the midst of Babylon, and save your own life!" He wasn't kidding around, he was speaking from God. Those are God's words to you.



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