Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Australia to join international operation to supply weapons to Kurdish fighters

The Telegraph  World News

The prime minister, Tony Abbott, says Australia will provide assistance to the Peshmerga to stem the advance of Isil
raqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters fire a recoilless rifle towards Islamic State (IS) positions during heavy clashes in Tuz Khurmatu in Salaheddin province about  88 kilometres (55 miles) south of Kirkuk
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters fire a recoiless rifle towards Islamic State (IS) positions during heavy clashes in Tuz Khurmatu (PHOTO: AFP/GETTY)

By Flynn Murphy  01 Sep 2014

Australia's air force will join an international operation to supply weapons to Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq over the next few days.

The weapons, which reportedly include rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, are intended to aid the Peshmerga fighters of the troubled nation's north as they battle to stem the advance of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant militants.


The coalition of nations now supplying the Kurds with weapons and ammunition to battle against Islamic State jihadists in Iraq grows to include the central government of Iraq, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Iran... and now Australia.

At some point, it would seem the Peshmerga militia of the Kurdistan Regional Government will have become a substantial and well-equipped army.

Just as foreseen by Jeremiah the hebrew prophet. A "great nation" to the north of the "land of Babylon" capable of drawing up "battle lines" against her, attacking and defeating her, and then plundering her "treasures."

Will this massive arms infusion lead to the Kurds developing into the mighty fighting force able to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy?

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